Environmental Club
Boon Elementary is proud to announce the 18th year of our Environmental Club! The welfare of the environment is extremely important to all living things. We believe that it is equally important to educate
our students about how they can improve the quality of the environment.
If your child chooses to join the Boon Environmental Club, they will not only learn how they can help, but
they will have the opportunity to directly impact the environment through many hands on activities in which
our club will participate.
Any Boon student in 3rd – 6th grade can join the Environmental Club. To sign up to be a part of the
2024-2025 Environmental Club click here.
To order an Environmental Club shirt click here.

2023-2024 Achievements
- 37 student participants.
- Organized 4 creek cleanups.
- Maintained a winter garden, a summer garden, and a butterfly garden - 14 different plants/veggies.
- Awarded the City of Allen Waste Water Works Award.
- 122 pairs of shoes collected for the Reuse-a-Shoe campaign.
- Created a walk up rock garden for those using the Twink Creeks trail.
- Organized Boon's participation Walk-to-School Day, Bike-to-School Day & Reuse-A-Shoe.
Interested in supporting Boon and having your business logo here?
Visit our Business Partner page or email us at Fundraising@boonta.org.