YEAR IN REVIEW 2023 - 2024
- 8th Meet the Teacher
- 8th Teacher & Staff Back to School Lunch
- 10th Tears & Cheers
- 10th Kindergarten Red Carpet
- 14th PTA Board Meeting
- 31st Coffee with the Principals
- 1st Reading with the Eagles
- 8th Scholastic Book Fair (9/8 - 9/15)
- 8th Doughnuts with Sons
- 11th PTA Board Meeting
- 11th College & Career Week (9/11-9/15)
- 12th Environmental Club Meeting
- 14th PTA Membership Meeting
- 14th STEAM Night
- 21st Popcorn Delivery
- 23rd Environmental Club Creek Clean Up
- 25th Teacher & Staff Appreciation - Stock the Lounge
- 28th Dot Day
- 29th Fall Picture Day
- 2nd PTA Board Meeting
- 3rd Environmental Club Meeting
- 4th Walk or Bike to School Day sponsored by EClub
- 6th Best of Boon
- 18th Hat Creek Spirit Night
- 19th Popcorn Club Delivery
- 20th Watch DOGS & Dads Club Meeting
- 21st Environmental Club Creek Clean Up
- 23rd Red Ribbon Week (10/23-10/27)
- 26th Teacher & Staff Appreciation - Candy Apple Bar
- 26th Fall Carnival
- 31st Storybook Character Day
- 1st Picture Retake Day
- 6th PTA Board Meeting
- 7th Environmental Club Meeting
- 10th Veterans Day Program
- 16th Popcorn Club Delivery
- 30th Teacher & Staff Appreciation – Breakfast Tacos from Torchy’s
- 30th Milk and Cookies Night
- 4th PTA Board Meeting
- 5th Environmental Club Field Trip – Raptor Center
- 15th Teacher & Staff Appreciation – Classroom Supplies from Elves
- 19th Polar Express
- 20th Best of Boon
- 21st Class Parties
- 21st Popcorn Club Delivery
- 9th Environmental Club Meeting
- 11th Boon PTA Holiday Party
- 18th Popcorn Club Delivery
- 18th PTA Membership Meeting
- 18th Bingo, Burgers & Baskets Night/In-N-Out
- 23rd College & Career Week (1/23-1/27)
- 26th Teacher & Staff Appreciation – Lunch from Spazo
- 5th PTA Board Meeting
- 13th Environmental Club Meeting
- 14th Teacher & Staff Appreciation – Nacho Bar
- 14th Valentine’s Day Celebration
- 15th Popcorn Club Delivery
- 15th PTA Membership Meeting
- 15th World of Friends Night
- 17th Environmental Club Creek Clean Up
- 22nd Coffee with Principals
MARCH 2024
- 1st Scholastic Book Fair (3/1-3/8)
- 1st Donuts with Daughters
- 1st Best of Boon
- 4th PTA Board Meeting
- 5th Environmental Club Meeting
- 7th Open House
- 7th 2nd Appreciation Meal for Staff before Open House - Pizza
- 18th Reuse-A-Shoe (3/18 - 4/2)
- 21st Popcorn Club Delivery
- 23rd Environmental Club Creek Clean Up
- 25th Spring Picture Day
- 28th Patriot Dash
APRIL 2024
- 1st PTA Board Meeting
- 1st PTA Membership Meeting
- 9th Environmental Club Meeting
- 15th Teacher & Staff Appreciation Snacks for STAAR
- 18th Popcorn Club Delivery
MAY 2024
- 6th Teacher Appreciation Week (5/6 - 5/10)
- 6th Teacher & Staff Appreciation Breakfast
- 6th PTA Board Meeting & Pass the Books to New Board Members
- 7th Teacher & Staff Appreciation Sweet Treats
- 7th Environmental Club Meeting
- 8th Walk & Roll to School Day Sponsored by Eclub
- 8th Teacher & Staff Appreciation – Taco Bar Lunch
- 8th SkyDome Planetarium Program (5/8-5/9)
- 9th Teacher & Staff Appreciation Snacks
- 10th Teacher & Staff Appreciation – Salad & Sandwich Lunch
- 10th PTA Membership Meeting
- 10th Boon Family Picnic
- 15th Field Day
- 15th End of Year Parties
- 16th Popcorn Club Delivery
- 22nd Best of Boon
- Patriot Dash: $30,623.68
- Boonsters: $11,430 & Boon Business Partners: $1,400
- PTA Membership: $1,826
- Patriot Popcorn Club: 169 members, $3,870 profit
- Community Partners: $882.39 (Kroger & Amazon Smile)
- Spirit Nights: Hat Creek (Oct) $154.04
- Allen Eagle Run: $240 to Boon
- Spirit Wear: 452 pieces sold, $806 profit
- PTA General Membership: 334
- Membership Awards: Head Start Award
- PTA Gift to School: $5,000 + $1,400 for PebbleGo
- Scholastic Book Fair: $16,016 (Fall) & $16,395 (Spring), 640 books gifted to Boon
- PTA awarded 3 scholarships to graduating seniors @ $1,000.00 each: Daniel Bui, Dante Leal, & Leviz Leo Vithayathil
- 26 students enrolled in Environmental Club
- 122 pairs of shoes collected for the Reuse-A-Shoe program
- PTA Citizenship Awards awarded to (Sept) Dorothy Vaccarezza, Jessica Casey, Laura Kovatch, (Nov) Karina Gutierrez, Scott Williams, TaNesha Abass, Travis Burns, (Jan) Emily Ryan, Erin Bandy, John Bray, Shelley Ewton, (March) Becky Melcher, Brianna Morgan, Christie Register, Holly Siratt
- PTA Lifetime Awards awarded to Marci Burns, Becky Melcher, Paige Self and Wendy Hart
- PTA Extended Service Award: Michelle Soong and Liz Wolf
- 21 unique volunteers in the cafeteria, 46 unique Watch DOGS volunteers and 13 unique volunteers in the Library
- Collected 1,042 books for the Allen PTA Council Used Book Fair
- There were 6 entries for the Reflections program and 2 students awarded "Honorable Mention"
- Boon 6th grade Destination Imagination (DI) team attended Global Finals in Kansas City
- Boon 3rd grade Destination Imagination (DI) team attended Texas Finals in Arlington, TX
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